Vision of The Cross
The Seven Crosses
The seven highlighted crosses
are visible with a 10x power loupe.
It was only after we cut the diamond, exactly as seen in the vision, that the seven smaller crosses appeared. This is when we knew we had completed our task and we understood, even more clearly, the importance of the vision.
The Number 7 Is Tied Directly To Gods Creation of All Things.
From the beginning of the Bible, the number seven is associated with something being finished or completed. God spent six days creating the heavens and the earth and then on the seventh day, He rested. The seventh day is the Sabbath, a holy day of rest. From the start, the importance of the number seven continues:
The command for animals to be at least seven days old before sacrifice.
The command for leprous Naaman to bathe in the Jordan River seven times to complete cleansing.
The command for Joshua to march around Jericho for seven days and on the seventh day, to make seven circuits and for seven priests to blow seven trumpets outside the city walls.
The number seven is used in the Bible more than seven hundred times. The count is still higher if we consider multiples of seven, such as seventy or seven hundred.
There are seven pairs of each clean animal on the ark; seven stems on the tabernacle's lampstand; seven qualities of the Messiah in Isaiah, seven signs in John's Gospel, seven parables in Matthew and seven woes in Matthew.
The importance of the number seven continues in multiples of seven as well:
The seventy weeks' prophecy in Daniel.
The Babylonian Captivity would last for seventy years
The year of Jubilee was to begin after the passing of every forty-ninth year (7 times 7)